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Reading: Luke 14:25–33   (Verses 25–35 for LSB)
RCL: Proper 18  LFM: Ordinary Time 23  BCP: Proper 18  LSB: Pentecost 16 Legend
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Following Jesus to the Last Brick


Although Jesus’ call to sacrifice sounds too extreme, following Jesus enables us to grow a strong faith and engage in spiritual warfare. What Jesus does within us and the battles he enables us to fight bring the gratification of true discipleship.

            If anyone else said these things to us, we would wisely dismiss that person. We’ve seen too many hucksters running around mesmerizing those who desperately long for something to cling to. They lure people who need a healing faith and turn them into sheep who derive their self-worth from identifying with the groupies of a dynamic leader. Instead of leading them closer to God, they lead them into spiritual dependency. If one of those charlatans said these things to us, we would wave that person off and move on. We know better than to give our money or our allegiance to a scam artist with delusions of grandeur.

            Jesus, however, has earned the right to make these demands. Jesus lived the sacrificial life he calls us to follow. “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head,” he said elsewhere in Luke.1 Jesus went to the cross for us. The phony religious leaders don’t measure up to that or even come close. They gain followers to feed their ego and need for power. Jesus calls us to take the mission of the church and the demands of the kingdom of God seriously, but he doesn’t insist that we choose him over our families to test our loyalty. Jesus doesn’t state these expectations for his own sake, but for God’s sake.


Hating our family?

            Even though we recognize Jesus’ authority to call us to this life of discipleship, the words still cause us to rub our eyes. Did Jesus really say that? Did Jesus really say that we should ...approximately 1,167 words remaining. You are not logged in. Please see options at the top of this page to view complete sermon.

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