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Homilies about 1 Corinthians: 13

You searched for sermons from the Book of: 1 Corinthians: 13
Putting Away Childish Things  Click here Click title to view sermon 1 Corinthians 13: 4–11
Summary: A child is a joy to watch as he or she plays freely in a field, rolling down the hill, laughing and smiling. All adults need to have this side of their personality in raising their children. Many of us have forgotten how to be children. But there is another kind of childish behavior which disrupts and destroys our homes ... actions such as pouting and blaming, yelling, and physically acting out rage when we don’t get our way. When St. Paul wrote his famous chapter in Corinthians on the meaning of love, he concluded the descriptions by saying that now that he was an adult, he had no more use for childish ways. Can we as fathers say that about the love we show our family? In this sermon we will look at some of these behaviors which Paul was referring to, but more importantly, cover how the Holy Spirit can help us grow up as fathers.
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