Summary: Jesus is the king who pays the price so his subjects may be saved. |
Summary: Maybe it was nobody’s fault when Jesus died on the cross. The religious authorities, Pilate, Herod, Barabbas, the crowd, the jeering spectators and the other thief on his cross all had an excuse why the death of Jesus wasn’t their fault. What’s our excuse? |
Summary: Herod tells about his meeting with the prisoner Jesus after Pilate sent Jesus to him. In doing so, Herod inadvertently tells something about the meaning of believing in Jesus. |
Summary: Because the church year ends with Jesus on the cross — his death and resurrection hanging out there in the future — we can find hope for the unresolved things in our lives. |
Summary: Although we expect power from leaders, and desire power in our lives and even hope that God will exercise power for our problems, Jesus as “King” demonstrates power of personal control, forgiveness and entrance to paradise. |
Summary: To be remembered by God means to receive eternal life. |
Summary: In proclaiming that his kingdom is not of this world, Christ the King, whose crown was made of thorns and whose throne became the cross from which he hung, challenges the world of which we are a part. |
Summary: Jesus’ death on the cross creates the opportunity for us to view our world, and the purpose of our lives in the fresh light of God’s new reality. Jesus, the king, reigns from the cross. |
There are 8 sermons in your results. |