Summary: Just as the farmer in the parable allows seed to fall in unlikely places, so God offers the seed of grace even where it might be rejected. The church continues the ministry of offering the seed, even when we don’t see immediate results. |
Summary: In the parable of the sower, Jesus tells how the seeds that are sown fall upon different circumstances, and thus have varied outcomes in their ability to produce. But the underlying message is that “the sower went out to sow.” Had he not gone out and sown seeds abundantly, none of the rest of the story would have mattered. He knew that some seeds would not make it, but was counting on the abundant production of the good plants to make up for the ones that didn’t flourish. |
Summary: Generations coming after us don’t get their faith by osmosis. We need to talk about our faith in our homes with our children, just as the sower puts seed on all his soil. But it isn’t all up to us either, for God is active, and can light new faith fires. |
Summary: Our everyday experience shows us that words are real and have real effects. Jesus’ parable of the sower is about the ways in which the creative and life-giving word of God affects the lives of different people. Our awareness of the power of God’s words and of the different types of soil into which the seed may fall can help us in communicating our faith to others. It can also alert each one of us to prepare ourselves to hear and nurture the word in our own lives. |
Summary: The parable of the sower teaches us that our efforts to preach and teach the Good News will always be marked by a measure of success and failure. |
Summary: We’re told that “the evil one” snatches away the Word that is proclaimed so that it doesn’t result in anything positive. Evil is always negative and destructive, and it is by hearing God’s creative word that people are brought to faith and enabled to do good things. We are to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, and keep on hearing it, so that we remain faithful and able to be God’s instruments in his creative work in the world. |
Summary: Jesus told a parable about our ability to receive a seed from God and produce an abundant harvest. If we are good soil, we’ll be amazed by what is created. |
Summary: A young man like Peter Bliss, last year’s Star Farmer for Future Farmers of America, knows about the importance of seed. Many factors determine the size of a harvest, but some facts are certain: if the seed has a hard time sprouting or taking root, the harvest will be weak. Jesus understood farming, and one day long ago, he told a story that is still a parable for our times.
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