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Homilies about Proper 17

You searched for sermons preached on: Proper 17, Cycle A
Be Like Jesus  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 16: 21–27
Summary: A baseball story reminds us that “taking up our cross” means trying to be like Jesus.
A Proper 17 Ordinary Time 22 Proper 17 Pentecost 15 Palette
Finding the Bottom Line  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 16: 21–28
Summary: Anyone with good sense knows that they ought to look for the bottom line in the decisions they make. Jesus was profoundly committed to the bottom line ― for himself, and for us. For most of us, the problem is that we don’t necessarily recognize the bottom line when we see it.
A Proper 17 Ordinary Time 22 Proper 17 Pentecost 15 Palette
You Win Some, You Lose All  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 16: 21–28
Matthew 16: 21–27 for LFM
Summary: The cross of Jesus has a hard but necessary lesson to teach us: that, although life inevitably ends in death, it is in death that eternal life has its beginning.
A Proper 17 Ordinary Time 22 Proper 17 Pentecost 13 Palette
Necessary Things  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 16: 21–27
Summary:  Although we are often confused about what we think is necessary for us to live a good life, Jesus is quite clear. To live life abundantly, he calls us to give up the attachments that we think are essential and take up the truly necessary challenge of following him through suffering to eternal life.
A Proper 17 Ordinary Time 22 Proper 17 Pentecost 16 Palette
When the Cross Bears Us  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 16: 21–28
Matthew 16: 21–27 for LFM
Summary: The response of Christianity to the problem of human suffering is that even pain has a place — somewhere, somehow — in God’s plan.
A Proper 17 Ordinary Time 22 Proper 17 Pentecost 11 Palette
Putting Jesus in His Place  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 16: 21–28
Matthew 16: 21–27 for LFM
Summary: Although we find joy and comfort in following Jesus, we accept the call to take up our crosses because we do not shrink back from facing the evil of the world.
A Proper 17 Ordinary Time 22 Proper 17 Pentecost 12 Palette
The Easy Way Out  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 16: 21–28
Matthew 16: 21–27 for LFM
Summary: The way of discipleship may not be easy.
A Proper 17 Ordinary Time 22 Proper 17 Pentecost 13 Palette
Course Correction  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 16: 21–28
Matthew 16: 21–27 for LFM

Our passage is about a time when Jesus showed Peter a “course correction” he needed to make. Had he not made that correction, Peter would have continued “setting his mind not on divine things but on human things.” The good news for us is that Jesus is patient and willing to help us make course corrections as we follow him.

A Proper 17 Ordinary Time 22 Proper 17 Pentecost 14 Palette
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