Summary: Nicodemus was thoroughly confused by what Jesus told him about being born a second time. He couldn’t get the concept. But eventually, after the crucifixion, Nicodemus shows up to help bury Jesus. He has begun to understand, at least on some level, what being born a second time means. He may never have totally understood the concept, but eventually he got the point.
And so can we. We don’t need to wait until we comprehend every concept of Christianity. It’s enough to get the point, and that is that Christ is for us.
Summary: Faith that isn’t continually renewed and refreshed fades away. And without living faith, there is no motivation to do all the good things we urge people to do. Refueling comes from Christ. |
Summary: Nicodemus was thoroughly confused by what Jesus told him about being born a second time. He couldn’t get the concept. But eventually, after the crucifixion, Nicodemus shows up to help bury Jesus. He has begun to understand, at least on some level, what being born a second time means. He may never have totally understood the concept, but eventually he got the point.
And so can we. We don’t need to wait until we comprehend every concept of Christianity. It’s enough to get the point, and that is that Christ is for us.
Summary: God’s work in us and for us is continual from the moment of our birth to the moment of our death - and beyond. One form of God’s grace is when he takes the initiative to bring us to him. |
Summary: In one of the most familiar sets of verses in the gospels, Jesus lays out the plan of salvation the Father set forth through the Son. Indeed, without the cross upon which Jesus was lifted up, we would be living without hope. |
Summary: The cross of Christ has been fashioned from many materials, expensive and otherwise. These symbols can as easily distract us from the message of the Cross of Calvary as point us toward it. There is much more to the message of the cross than making it look pretty. The Cross of Christ was the direct result of the love message Christ insisted upon preaching. He wanted us to know to what length he would go. He also wanted us to know that the message of his life, death and resurrection together does indeed offer salvation to anyone who believes. |
Summary: Long before Jesus died on the wooden cross of Calvary, he carried several other crosses that eventually put him on the cross. We need to carry some of those crosses, too. |
Summary: This passage is about salvation and how it comes to us. We miss this if we focus too heavily upon John 3:16 and ignore the larger passage in which it is embedded. |
Summary: John 3 has for many of us acquired heavy overtones of trite moralism and a particular understanding of salvation. A closer look shows Jesus addressing our sense of futility, with a bracing call to choose life. |
Summary: Even for those of us who believe God to be infinite and most high, the notion of a tribal God may lurk beneath the faith we proclaim. Thus, even believers are in need of a rebirth. As Christians we claim that Jesus saves us. But what exactly does he save us from and how did he and how does he do it?
History demonstrates that divisions among people do not work. Our faith tells us that division is not in the plan of God. We are called to be reborn to a realization of this truth.
There are 10 sermons in your results. |