Summary: The startling message that Jesus died and yet lives is proclaimed every time the Lord’s Supper is celebrated. That’s true even though it may be hard for people to see how that reality saves us, changing condemnation to salvation. Preaching must use the resources of scripture to expound the “how.” And the fact that we share together in the Lord’s Supper is a sign that we are not saved simply as individuals but as a community.
Summary: Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church were, at times, painfully honest. In this passage Paul shares Jesus’ instructions for celebrating the Lord’s supper. It’s in a context where painful descriptions of the Corinthian church “bookend” our scripture for today. This intentional placing of today’s word in that setting gives us an honest look at what the church sometimes is, and what the church can be. |
Summary: Remembering Jesus is more than just thinking about him. Literally, to remember something is to make it come alive. It’s the opposite of dismembering, the separating of the members one from another. Remembering puts them back together. Our remembering of Jesus should be reflected in our daily lives. |
Summary: Paul told the Corinthian Christians, “As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” That is responsibility and our blessing. |
Summary: Because we humans forget so easily, and because remembering is so important to our faith, God has given us three means of remembering, all associated with Communion. |
Summary: We are likely to come to the Maundy Thursday service not thinking of what the name of the occasion means -- and thus, not beginning to fulfill its potential in our own lives, and in our congregations. |
Summary: The celebration of the ancient feast of Corpus Christi reminds us of the greatness of our Christian tradition. Jesus fed those he encountered with the Bread of Life, but he also provided the word and the Spirit to lead and assist us on the path to eternal life. As Jesus feeds us so we are called as God’s holy people to feed others through the donation of our time, talent and treasure to meet the many and varied needs of our sisters and brothers in Christ. |
Summary: Celebration of Holy Communion is a vital part of Christianity — and thus a vital part of every Christian’s faith walk. From the lips of Jesus to the writings of Paul to modern-day practices, Christians are given the mandate to “do this and remember ....” The command implies that as we “do this,” there are other things we should not do. |
Summary: What is truly important in life? Many fine and varied answers could be proffered, but in the end, it is our Christian faith that is most important. Today the Christian community begins to celebrate its tradition in the Eucharist and in the challenge we have to be the Eucharist, the presence of Christ, to one another. |
There are 9 sermons in your results. |