Summary: We cannot avoid conflict in the church. In our conflicts we allow our egos to do damage to the church and its witness. If we imagine the risen Christ with us in our disputes, would we treat each other in better ways?
Summary: God uses the human connections between individual Christian as one way to speak to us. That is at least part of what Jesus meant when he said, “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” These words of Jesus call us to accountability to each other and responsibility for each other.
Summary: In today’s climate of record-breaking consumer debt, Paul’s exhortation to “owe no one anything” can sound at once profoundly timely and terribly naïve. How should 21st-century Western Christians think about debt? More importantly, how can our members make authentically Christian financial decisions? And how can those struggling with unmanageable debt (as some Christians undoubtedly do) find their way toward freedom? (Note: We suggest beginning this lection at verse 7.)
Summary: Do you know the power of prayer? It is truly amazing. Christ said that when we join with others in prayer, even just two or three, he would be present with us. Have you claimed that promise?
Summary: The process that Jesus outlines for church discipline has much to teach about interpersonal relationships in a technology-saturated world. It is a gracious process that highlights the value and dignity of each party involved.
Many people bristle at conflict and avoid difficult or emotionally charged situations. Having strategies for confronting conflict can promote healing and growth.