Summary: Though the oil in the parable of 10 bridesmaids tells us of the importance of preparedness for the return of Jesus, it is also symbolic of the way faith sustains us in the here and now. Among the daily blessing God gives are character development, guilt relief, direction for life and the knowledge of Whom to thank for it all. |
Summary: Paul exhorts Christians to encourage one another with the hope that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. This is a hope for all eternity because through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the future of believers is secure. When Jesus returns, believers will be reunited with those who have died in the faith. |
Summary: Being prepared for Jesus’ return means the faithful doing of good deeds and the faithful following of the example and teachings of Jesus. |
Summary: There are many choices in life that are okay to rethink and backtrack on, but behind them needs to be the backstop choice that we do not rescind: the decision to follow Jesus. |
Summary: Like well-prepared marathon runners, the wise bridesmaids had plenty of oil for their lamps. Our Christian training is done through acts of love and mercy, as we move toward the kingdom of heaven. |
Summary: Jesus calls us to stay awake because his return will come at a time we cannot know. Practicing the means of grace will keep us ready, and our metaphorical lamps full of oil, no matter when Jesus returns. |
Summary: In the parable of the bridesmaids, the church does not fulfill its identity as “salt and light.” The foolish bridesmaids miss their chance to be the church in the world. |
Summary: As Paul deals with questions from the Thessalonian church, he speaks to us as well. Issues of life and death, faith, heaven and eternal life are all part of this treasured epistle.
There are 8 sermons in your results. |