Summary: That God is patient with us is a primary message of the Bible. Instead of an angry Deity ready to chuck us out, he is the one who is patiently working in us, against our sins surely, but for us so that we become the people we were created to be. |
Summary: Jesus’ parable of the wicked tenants serves as a warning to “insiders” not to take their status for granted. At the same time, the parable is an invitation to “outsiders” to receive God’s grace. |
Summary: Jesus told a parable about a vineyard owner who rented his fields to farmer-tenants who then refused to pay the rent. It reminds us that nothing really belongs to us and that everything we have is a gift of God. It also suggests that one day, God may call us to “collect the rent” from a hostile group of people who need to experience the grace of God. |
Summary: Sometimes when we’re confronted by truth, we miss the point completely; other times we understand it, but only at an objective level, without letting it change us. And the there are the times when we get it! |
Summary: This challenge by Jesus to the keepers of the “vineyard” in his day is a challenge to today’s church. We are “tenants,” holding a “vineyard” in trust for God. What kind of tenants are we? |
Summary: Jesus doesn’t want fans. He wants disciples who bear good fruit. |
Summary: It’s natural for Christians to refer to the congregations they belong to as “my church,” but thinking that we really “own” the church can be a problem. In our text from Matthew, Jesus tells a parable directed at the religious authorities of his time in Jerusalem who acted as though they owned the temple and the community associated with it. Even though he was rejected by those authorities, Jesus has become the foundation of the church that is called to proclaim him. |
Summary: Jesus presents the church as a vineyard, one in which we can engage in fights or in fruitful labor. When harvest time comes, he wants us to be able to give good produce to God.
There are 8 sermons in your results. |