Summary: Our prayers with and for one another and our actions on one another’s behalf offer life-changing power. |
Summary: Compassion moved Jesus to ignore his society’s restrictions against touching the dead. He became involved in something that he could have considered none of his business in order to provide for a widow who had no safety net. We are part of God’s safety net for the suffering, the marginalized and the hopeless. We come with hope. |
Summary: Pain is part of life. Although modern medicine has made great strides in treating it, a pain-free life is unimaginable. God visits us in our pain, bringing strength and consolation. |
Summary: Any crowd can become a sacred gathering when Jesus is there. |
Summary: Sometimes God speaks to us through the criticism we receive from others. It pays spiritual dividends to at least consider whether criticism aimed at us is justified. |
Summary: “A woman in the city, who is a sinner.” You know this woman. Maybe you know her better than you let on. Maybe you are this woman. Jesus, the one we call “Lord,” tells her that her sins are forgiven and sends her on her way. How does this affect what you think of Jesus? |
Summary: It’s a common idea that God is always on the lookout for an opportunity to condemn sin, and that he insists on strict payment for it. That seems to be the attitude of Simon, who has invited Jesus to dinner, and into whose house a “woman ... who was a sinner” comes. Jesus’ response to Simon’s criticism makes it clear that God’s forgiveness of sins doesn’t require payment but is freely available to those who accept it in faith. |
Summary: Although the woman who weeps at Jesus’ feet and anoints him with oil surprises us with her strange actions, she teaches us about grace. Unlike the Pharisee, she understands that God has forgiven her sins. We might assume that the Pharisee is the kind of church member we need, but the woman teaches us true devotion and worship from the heart. |
There are 8 sermons in your results. |