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Reading: Luke 13:10–17
RCL: Proper 16  Legend
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Listening to an Unpopular Voice


Although we celebrate Jesus’ compassion toward the disabled woman in the text and rejoice in her healing, we should take care that we do not use our freedom from rigid Sabbath observance to neglect setting aside time for God.

The synagogue leader

            The poll numbers for the synagogue leader don’t look good. His approval rating never makes it out of the single digits. He seems so persnickety. We wonder why he can’t close his rule book just this once and join the woman in praising God. Who could watch Jesus heal a woman of a terrible affliction and still act so fussy?

            Hadn’t Jesus’ healing power already indicated that he did God’s work? When Jesus had healed the paralytic, he had seemed to win the argument that he also had authority to forgive sins.1 Yet the synagogue leader comes along to try to break up the party. Can’t he relax and celebrate that the woman can now straighten up? After all her years of crippling pain, of the isolation of not looking people in the face, of the difficulty of simply walking, couldn’t he look the other way on the rules and praise God with her?

            He might remind us of the church people who always want to put the youth in their place: “Those reckless teenagers spilled their drinks in the parlor the last time they used it. We should pass a rule that they have to stay out of there!” If one of the youth girls winds up pregnant, someone at church might want to shun her. “She’ll serve as a bad influence on the rest of our young ladies. She can come back when she’s given the baby up for adoption. If she’s smart, that’s what she’ll do!” The synagogue leader might remind us of the person who never wants to try any new ministries: “We should keep doing things the way we always have done them. It worked in the past; it will work now. We don’t need any newfangled

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