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Reading: Luke 15:1–10   (Verses 1–32 for LFM)
RCL: Proper 19  LFM: Ordinary Time 24  BCP: Proper 19  LSB: Pentecost 17 Legend
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Leaving No One Behind


On the anniversary of 9/11, we can remember the heroism of that tragic day, and join in future efforts to seek and save the lost.

            Today is the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. On that horrible morning, a group of terrorists flew commercial jets into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and into the Pentagon. A fourth plane was high above Pennsylvania, on a path toward Washington, DC, when it was brought down by its brave passengers.

            How well we remember. September 11 is a day we will never forget. But as Christians, we do not remember in the sense of simply recollecting an important event. No, our approach is different, and it is deeply rooted in the biblical idea of remembrance. This is the approach that Jesus took when he said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”1 In the Christian faith, remembrance brings an event from the past into the present. It recalls an event in such a way that it has a powerful effect on the here and now.

            Think of Holy Communion, the meal that reminds us of the gruesome death of the Son of God. Jesus’ body was broken and his blood was spilled not in a glass and steel tower but on a wooden cross. When we remember Jesus at his table, we realize that he is with us now, present in a powerful way, transforming our todays and our tomorrows.

            Something similar should be happening right now. As we remember September 11 — also known as 9/11 — we should be focusing on how the events of 2001 can shape 2016, and how our memory of the past can transform our actions in the future.

            In particular, 9/11 can inspire us to leave no one behind.


Lost sheep and coins


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