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Reading: Luke 17:11–19
RCL: Proper 23  LFM: Ordinary Time 28  BCP: Proper 23  LSB: Pentecost 21 Legend
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The Gratitude Gap


When we fail to give thanks, we find ourselves unsatisfied and wanting more. But an attitude of gratitude can make us well.

            Alan Gross was imprisoned in Cuba for five years, convicted of smuggling banned Internet technology and smartphones into the country. The president of the United States helped to get him released after he had served one-third of his 15-year sentence.

            When arrested, Gross was working as a U.S. government subcontractor, delivering electronic equipment to Cuba’s small Jewish community. His time in jail was clearly an ordeal, but once released, he did a surprising thing: he demanded millions of dollars from the U.S. government.

            Yes, Gross blamed our government for injuries he says he suffered in jail. He asked for compensation from the very same government that got him out of jail and probably saved his life. This was after Gross had already collected a multimillion-dollar settlement from the State Department. He received an additional payment from his contracting firm, and of course, he was paid while in jail — over $500,000.

            According to Sandy Goodman, a retired producer for NBC Nightly News, “The U.S. government gave Alan Gross back his life, his freedom, millions of dollars and celebrity treatment. In exchange, he and his wife are suing the government in the Supreme Court to collect even more millions.”

            His attitude, says Goodman, is nothing less than “Gross ingratitude.”1


No thanks

            Gratitude is a quality that is in short supply these days. While not everyone is guilty of gross ingratitude, many people fail to be thankful for the many good gifts they receive each day. Between God’s gifts and their response lies a gratitude gap.

            “A society t

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