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Reading: Luke 17:11–19
RCL: Thanksgiving Day  LFM: Thanksgiving Day  BCP: Thanksgiving Day  LSB: Thanksgiving Day Legend
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Living our thanks — thanksliving


In today’s Gospel, Jesus instructs us that returning thanks is important not only in our daily life but in our spiritual lives and in our relationship with God. God has given us life and all that goes with it. Our whole life should be a response of thanksgiving to God for his goodness to us and his gifts.

“What do you say?” Hasn’t every child growing up heard that question more times than can be counted? The situation is so common. Someone gives the child a cookie or piece of candy in the parent’s pres­ence and the parent says, “What do you say?” The child dutifully (hopefully) responds. “Thank you.”

It’s a social amenity but a necessary politeness to keep social rela­tions flowing smoothly.

I once heard a very experienced pastor and a world renowned moral theologian say that when people come to him with personal or family difficulties, he gets them to list the things that they’re thankful for. Then he suggests and encourages them to express their thanks, not only to God, but to one another for the things they appreciate in each other. He gets them to do this, not just once or twice, but on a continu­ing basis in their daily lives. When people become habitually grateful, and others realize that they are appreciated, situations that are truly terrible can be turned around.

As a social amenity and on a deeper human level, gratitude and saying thanks is proper, necessary, healthy and

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